document scanning solutions for hr departments


Whether you’re trying to resolve coworker misunderstandings or negotiating holiday leave days, many employees and even businesses have been bogged down by slow HR processes. It doesn’t even matter if you have the most competent HR team in the world, the issue is pervasive: external factors just slow HR processes down and there’s nothing you can do about it except which can be frustrating. Right? Wrong—there’s always a better way.

So, when it comes to slow HR processes, what do you think the main issues are? Well, if it’s not your team then it’s definitely how you go about your work. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into one of those workflow issues: manually dealing with stacks of paper daily that almost nothing gets done!

It’s an issue that, surprisingly, many businesses still struggle with in 2024. Despite the advancements in technology, some business owners prefer to stay old school when it comes to managing their documents. For some reason, they think it’s faster and better than having to sit down and learn a new system. But, is it really faster and better? 

Manual document management involves handling stacks of resumes, employee files, payroll documents, and compliance records. This paper-heavy process can be inefficient, time-consuming, and prone to errors. This is why going paperless is key.

Paperless processing enables HR operations to become more streamlined, accessible, and secure. Sure, it comes with a learning curve and the transition can take some time. But once the dust has settled, businesses get to enjoy higher productivity and less stress compared to their paper-sifting counterparts.

So, let’s go through how going paperless can make your HR’s life (and yours) a lot easier and how you can get started on the switch. Let’s begin!

What are the Benefits of Document Scanning for Human Resources?

  • Accessibility and Organisation: Digital HR documents improve accessibility and organisation by enabling quick retrieval of employee records and secure storage. This ensures that information is readily available when needed, reducing the time spent searching through physical files.
  • Enhanced Workflow Efficiency: Processes such as onboarding, leave management, and performance reviews benefit from digitised documents. This eliminates manual paperwork, reduces administrative burdens, and allows HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Improved Security and Compliance: Digitisation ensures data security and compliance with regulations. Secure storage practices protect sensitive employee information from unauthorised access or loss, enhancing trust and adherence to data protection laws.
  • Cost-Efficiency and Sustainability: Document scanning reduces paper usage and associated costs, promoting environmental sustainability. It also minimises the need for physical storage space, leading to financial savings and a greener workplace.

What Do Streamlined HR Processes Look Like?

  • Smoother Recruitment and Onboarding: Keeping digital copies of resumes, employment contracts, and background checks accelerates recruitment processes. It ensures the accuracy and completeness of employee records throughout their tenure, improving compliance and reducing administrative issues down the line.
  • Faster Leave Management and Approvals: Digital workflows simplify leave requests and approvals, facilitating seamless communication between employees and HR. This enhances employee satisfaction by providing timely responses and clear documentation of leave balances.
  • Consistent and Accurate Performance Management: Digital records support performance appraisals and feedback processes by enabling easy access to historical data. HR can then track employee progress, document achievements, and provide constructive feedback efficiently—building a culture of continuous improvement in the process.

What HR Documents Should You Scan?

  • Employee Records: Digitising personnel files is essential for maintaining accurate and accessible employee records. This includes employment history, certifications, training records, and performance appraisals. Having these documents in digital format simplifies record-keeping and facilitates quick retrieval when needed.
  • Payroll and Benefits Documents: Scanning payroll slips, benefit enrolment forms, and tax-related documents improves payroll administration efficiency. Digitised payroll records ensure accurate tracking of payments and deductions, while scanned benefit forms facilitate easy access to employee benefits information.
  • Policy and Compliance Documents: Digitising HR policies, employee handbooks, and compliance materials ensures consistent access and understanding across the organisation. Employees can refer to digital documents for policies on leave, disciplinary procedures, and workplace regulations, promoting compliance and transparency.

Why Choose Scan2Archive for All Your Professional Document Scanning Needs

Who you choose to handle your professional document scanning needs determines how seamless your human resource team functions in their day-to-day. With Scan2Archive you can enjoy:

  • Quality and Accuracy: Scan2Archive prioritises accuracy and quality in scanning, crucial for legal compliance and operational efficiency. With AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015 accreditation, Scan2Archive exceeds expectations in delivering precise, high-quality digitised HR documents.
  • Expertise and Experience: Partnering with Scan2Archive means tapping into decades of experience in handling sensitive HR documents. As an established organisation, Scan2Archive understands the complexities of HR operations and ensures meticulous handling of all document management needs.
  • Tailored Solutions: Scan2Archive offers customised solutions to meet specific HR document management requirements. Whether it’s digitising personnel files, payroll documents, or compliance materials, Scan2Archive’s tailored approach ensures seamless integration and improved workflow efficiency.

Make the smart choice for your HR document scanning needs—choose Scan2Archive today for unparalleled quality, expertise, and tailored solutions. Call us at 1300 789 684 or email us at to get a free quote!